David Cortes
Author of 14 CRAN packages
David Cortes has worked on 14 packages so far. Wow, David Cortes is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! David Cortes worked with over 46 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
14 Packages
- MatrixExtraExtra Methods for Sparse Matrices
- StratifiedRFBuilds Trees by Sampling Variables in Groups
- cmfrecCollective Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
- costsensitiveCost-Sensitive Multi-Class Classification
- isotreeIsolation-Based Outlier Detection
- lightgbmLight Gradient Boosting Machine
- nonneg.cgNon-Negative Conjugate-Gradient Minimizer
- outliertreeExplainable Outlier Detection Through Decision Tree Conditioning
- poismfFactorization of Sparse Counts Matrices Through Poisson Likelihood
- readsparseRead and Write Sparse Matrices in 'SVMLight' and 'LibSVM' Formats
- recometricsEvaluation Metrics for Implicit-Feedback Recommender Systems
- recosystemRecommender System using Matrix Factorization
- rsparseStatistical Learning on Sparse Matrices
- stochQNStochastic Limited Memory Quasi-Newton Optimizers
- Martin Maechler
- Dmitry Selivanov
- Robert Gentleman
- Ross Ihaka
- Thibaut Goetghebuer-Planchon
- Jorge Nocedal
- Naoaki Okazaki
- David Blackman
- Sebastiano Vigna
- NumPy Developers
- Stephen Moshier
- SciPy Developers
- Enthought Inc
- Yachen Yan
- Michael Mayer
- James Lamb
- Wei Chen
- Nikita Titov
- Damien Soukhavong
- Daniel Lemire
- Microsoft Corporation
- Victor Zverovich
- Dropbox, Inc.
- Guolin Ke
- Alberto Ferreira
- IBM Corporation
- Yu Shi
- Qi Meng
- Thomas Finley
- Taifeng Wang
- Weidong Ma
- Qiwei Ye
- Tie-Yan Liu
- Jean-Sebastien Roy
- Stephen Nash
- Yixuan Qiu
- Chih-Jen Lin
- Yu-Chin Juan
- Wei-Sheng Chin
- Yong Zhuang
- Bo-Wen Yuan
- Meng-Yuan Yang
- other contributors
- Dmitriy Selivanov
- Drew Schmidt
- Wei-Chen Chen